facebook users be warned!

facebook logoThere is a new angle to Facebook that has yet to be discovered by the millions of users rapidly signing up accounts with the social network: employer hacking.  According to this article by CBS, before a person shows up for a job interview, his or her facebook  profile is combed through–even if the privacy settings are on “private.”  Face-to-face, employers will see “Jack” show up for a job interview in meticulous attire with polite manners and impressive resumes…but the employer has already seen his hungover pictures, read the nasty comment he left on his ex’s profile, and observed the rise and fall of his emotions and attitudes documented on statuses.  Jack may have sacrificed his job by venting on the social network.

Or, on the opposite end, people have been fired for what has been found posted on facebook.   

So, you tell me: is this savvy business skills or a breach of privacy?