Love 146

stop the traffick IIToday is Tuesday.  This is the day I choose to focus on the subject of Human Trafficking here at Footsteps.  There’s really only so much a person can say about Trafficking.  Eventually I just start repeating myself! (If you’re new to Footsteps, and would like to see what I’ve said about this issue in the past, click on the Topics” drop-down on the right sidebar and go to “Human Trafficking” or “Stop the Traffick” or click on the “My Cause” tab at the top of the page.)  One new thing I’ve been doing in regards to Trafficking is watching a plethora of different videos on the subject.  Seeing other people’s emotional works is an inspiration to me.  I’ve found one video that I would like to share with you.  It’s a new organization I stumbled upon.  Their website is  They are an organization specializing in Aftercare and Prevention.  In other words, they train safe houses how to best care for children rescued from sexual exploitation and they speak out about prevention of Human Trafficking. Here is their promotional video.

p.s. Quick reminder: Don’t forget that September 25-27 is prayer weekend for Human Trafficking, set up by the Salvation Army!

Mark your calendars!

My cousin sent me this link from the Salvation Army because she knows how much raising Human Trafficking awareness means to me.  The Salvation Army is hosting a prayer weekend September 25-27.  I hope you pray against this crime often, but please mark your calendars and pray especially hard as Christians from all around follow the Salvation Army’s lead that weekend and release Satan’s hold from his innocent Trafficking victims!

stop the traffick IIThank you!

Emily Grace

trafficking video

stop the traffick IIIt’s Stop the Traffick Tuesday here on Footsteps.  This week, I am posting a video to share.   At the end of this video there are some words and statistics shared, but the font is difficult to read.  For that, I apologize.   

Take away the market!

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted!  Why does life get so busy with…life!?  I meant to write an “anniversary” post to myself on the 21st.  January 21st signaled one year since I’ve been praying for (and trying to raise awareness about) Human Trafficking.  This is so important to me!  Why are there slaves in America?

Because there’s a market. 

Anytime you are frustrated about any given situation, remember that the MARKET is why things are sold.  If no one wanted slaves…if no one bought sex…Human Trafficking would not exist! 

You can apply that rule to ANYTHING, not just Human Trafficking.

What does this mean for people who are trying to end devastation in their world?  It means EDUCATION.  It means dealing with the next generation.  Not hiding the truth from them, not sugar coating problems or attempting to make them black and white. 

We need to say, “Hey, this is what we’re dealing with.   This is BOTH SIDES of the issue objectively.  Here’s what’s happening.”

We need to teach our kids to be role models, to be decent citizens.

body and sold

Last night a group of area actors performed Body and Sold at my campus.  This production is a play written about eight different individuals and their true testimonies on how they were hooked into Human Trafficking.  I was so blessed to be able to see and hear what they went through.  This is the website for the production:

If you ever have the opportunity to watch it, I recommend doing so.  It’s about 80 minutes without intermission and covers everything from what led to these individuals getting sucked into Trafficking, what happened to them when they were in it and post-rescue as well as where they are today. 

The other thing I appreciated about it was that they were all domestic cases.  In other words, each one of them was American citizens lured into trafficking.  The reason that is, to me, so powerful is that it reveals American’s neglect of the problem.  It shows that it’s not just a border-issue or political one.  It’s happening under our noses.

So, anyway, check it out!


Human Trafficking video

Check this out!

I received an e-mail today from a wonderful organization that I have recently started contacting, called Outside Edge.  I highly recommend that you check out their site and maybe even try out their e-mail programs.  I loved going through their tutoring and reading their newsletter!

I had shared with Laura from Outside Edge my passion for Human Trafficking awareness, and she sent me a link to an interesting site called Changemakers.  I haven’t gotten to browse the site as much as I want to, but what I saw looked wonderful.  The site is not limited to Human Trafficking, but has several articles on it (anytime you see ‘slavery’ or ‘modern-day slavery’, trafficking is what they are referring to).  The site also took me to yet ANOTHER site called EXIT, which is where I spent the morning, watching a video documentary hosted by Angelina Jolie. 

Just thought I’d share these wonderful links with you.  Enjoy.


eating chocolate can be a crime!!

Here’s a trailer for a video this Dutch journalist, Teun van de Keuken made concerning his own journey in the Human Trafficking market.  A big issue in world-wide slavery is cocoa plantations.  Much of our chocolate is made with slave labor. . . did you know that?  So this man decided to do something about it.  He purposely ate slave-made chocolate and prosecuted himself.

From what I understand, he was NOT convicted.  In fact, he had to repeal the decision and the second time was at least chastised for it.  But he is not giving up and has made his own chocolate factory, produced slave free.

I hear he is now trying to get an ex-slave to prosecute him.  He’s doing his best to get the word out!

new page!

I just created a new page on here, called ‘My Cause’.  Go check it out and give me some feedback.  I know it may be confusing (and long!), it was a huge job to tackle; I’ll probably be revising it, eventually.  If it gets overwhelming, just scroll down to the bottom and check out the links I have posted. They’re way more interesting, anyway.  🙂

My cause is on Human Trafficking.  I’m comitted to spreading the word about it.  I’ve found, though, that it’s easy to do on here, where I don’t know anyone, but harder to tell my friends and family. My main issue is that everyone else will adopt it, then, and it won’t be “mine”.  I’m selfish like that.

But does that even make any sense??  The POINT of raising awareness is to get others involved.  I know I’m strange.  It’s just a phobia/jealousy I’ll have to conquer. 

I have a category on here labeled “human trafficking’.  Anything I find that’s “bloggable” on that subject will be filed there, so come around occasionally and click on it, if you’re interested.



A glimpse of more to come . . .

I had to write an essay for a scholarship application tonight.  I don’t know if I’ll use it yet and it’s still unedited, but I’m going to post it because I’ll be talking about this subject more.  This week I’m swamped at school, but next week I’m hoping to get into it more.  It’s a new ministry/passion of mine and the story I’m writing currently is on this topic, and I want to start getting some of that up here, too.  By the way, since this essay is going to be important and needs editing, I’ll take as many fresh eyes as are willing to critique it for me!  It could only be a page long, which is where it is now and it was hard to include what I wanted to say about it since so much space was taken explaining what my subject is.  I also needed to have some positive angles in it, so let me know and give me ideas and tip

Did you know?

Fact: approximately 18,000 women and children will be trafficked into the United States this year from other countries.  Fact: 50% of those victims are under 18.  Question: do you even know what I’m talking about?  There are numerous organizations attempting to raise awareness of this appalling issue, including, where I got the above information.  Yet, despite all these efforts, the word doesn’t seem to be spreading anywhere.  So, let me explain what has become my latest—and greatest—passion. 

               Human Trafficking is modern-day slavery.  Women and children are kidnapped, tricked or sold by their families (usually due to poverty) into prostitution.  There, they are beaten, raped and forced to have sex.  Their pimps prevent them from escaping their new lifestyle.

               And yes, as I said before, this is happening not only in Third World countries, but America.  I bet you thought everyone was free here, didn’t you?  Not quite. 

               What is my role in this?  It is my mission.  I have recently decided to start raising awareness of this atrocity.  I believe that if people are educated on this subject, it can be defeated.  I see your churches sending missionaries overseas and know innumerable people sponsor foreign children in poverty.  Our people are sympathetic like that.  We’re giving.  But here is a mission that touches your own beloved shores.  Do your part to get involved!  I have started.  I applied to work over the summer as an intern for a trafficking awareness program.  Sadly, I was not one of the students picked.  But I’m not stopping.  I have continued my rigorous research on this topic, gotten in touch with people who deal with it and talked to others about sexual exploitation. 

My main goal, however, is something I’ve been working on as my own side project while trying to balance my hectic life:  I’m writing a book.  My novel, The Other Side of a Wheat Field, deals with a girl in America who is trafficked.  Because I am a writer—and intend to make it my career post-college—it only made sense to me to write about my new passion and maybe someday raise awareness even more through it.  This is my dream.  I want to write, but beyond that, I want to write with a purpose; to use my talents to touch others’ lives.  I know that we live in a world that can be as bleak and ugly as this tragedy.  But I also know that the good far out-number the bad.  So, help me stand.  Let’s get rid of this!  Remember what Louis Armstrong said and let’s, once again, make this place a wonderful world!  

To my blog readers: If you are interested in looking up more information on this, here are other websites:

You can also search YouTube by typing in “Human Trafficking” to see some amazing videos.

Let’s raise awareness!
